i-Attend 手機應用程式使用條款

富士攝影器材有限公司 Fuji Photo Products Co., Ltd,定必遵守香港法例第486章《個人資料(私隱)條例》(「條例」)中所載列的規定,盡力保障員工資料的私隱。本聲明適用予作為「I-Attend (富士攝影器材有限公司考勤系統手機應用程式)」用戶的閣下與該應用程式的所有人富士攝影器材有限公司。本聲明詳細列明用戶於使用I-Attend時個人資料的收集和使用的相關事宜。








員工必須使用i-Attend掃描QR CODE考勤。考勤QR CODE會展示於上班地點並定時更新,員工必需在上班地點親自使用個人的考勤帳戶掃描QR CODE。

i-Attend Mobile Application Terms & Conditions of Use

Fuji Photo Products Co., Ltd must follow the rule of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance ("Ordinance"), Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong, and make every effort to protect the privacy of employee data. This statement is for the user of i-Attend and the owner of i-Attend (Fuji Photo Products Co., Ltd). This statement described the related details of the collection and usage of personal data when users use i-Attend.

Important Notices

If you install, browse, enter or otherwise use the app and/or click the "download" or "install" button in the app store to download the app to your device, it means that you agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of this agreement without any conditions subject to these terms and conditions.

The Collection of Personal Data

i-Attend will ask employees to provide alias and names, which are used to register the personal attendance accounts in the attendance system. When you use this mobile app, employees will be asked to enter a user ID and password for identity verification.

Personal Date Transfer

The personal data of the employee will not be transferred to any other third-party system that is not our company.

User Rule

Employees must use I-Attend to scan QR CODE to taking attendance. Attendance QR CODE will be displayed at the workplace and refresh regularly. Employees must scan the QR CODE with their personal attendance account at the work place in person.